

  • To treat dog vomiting, you need to know the difference between vomiting and regurgitation.
  • Regurgitation is when undigested food comes back up into the mouth from the esophagus. This happens when food is too large for deposit into the stomach. If your dog regurgitates, you’ll notice undigested food mostly covered in mucus. It’s quick and unfortunately usually involves your dog eating the food a second time as it provides another opportunity to crush food into smaller pieces. Whereas for vomiting, usually just before your dog vomits you’ll see signs of nausea. These typically include:
  • Excessive drooling
  • Smacking of lips
  • Pacing
  • Odd facial expressions
  • Common Causes: 

    -A food allergy or sensitivity
    -Reaction to a drug
    -Organ malfunction
    -When too much water has been ingested too soon
    -Bile vomiting is associated with an empty stomach
    -Inflammation of the gut
    -Undigested food
    -Motion sickness
    -Bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract
    -Diet-related causes (diet change, food intolerance, ingestion of garbage)
    -Foreign bodies (i.e. toys, bones, pieces of chewies) in the gastrointestinal tract
    -Acute kidney failure
    -Acute liver failure or gall bladder inflammation
    -Post-operative nausea
    -Ingestion of toxic substances
    -Viral infections
    -Certain medications or anesthetic agents
    -Infected uterus

    If your dog’s vomiting is not an isolated incident, we recommend that you consult the vet right away for a complete examination.

    Preventative Measures:

    You can fast your dog for 12 -15 hours, to give their stomach some rest. To learn how to fast in a safe and healthy manner, you can contact our animal companion nutritionist.
    Incorporating slippery elm in their meal can also be beneficial as the herb is considered to be soothing.
    You can also add fresh yoghurt to their meals as it is a probiotic and can greatly help.

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