

  • Lack of defecation for a few days
  • Hard, dry stools that feel like pebbles when you pick them up
  • Two other signs of discomfort are associated with constipation, including:
  • Tenesmus, which includes straining to defecate with little or no result, or producing small amounts of liquid fecal matter mixed with blood; Dyschezia, which is painful or difficult
  • defecation.

Common Causes: 

Too much or too little fiber in his diet
Lack of exercise
Blocked or abscessed anal sacs
Enlarged prostate gland
Excessive self-grooming can cause large amounts of hair to collect in the stool Matted hair around the anus from lack of grooming or from obesity Ingested gravel, stones, bones, dirt, plants or pieces of toys, etc. caught in the intestinal tract
Masses or tumors on the anus or within the rectum, causing an obstruction
Side effect of medication
Trauma to the pelvis
Orthopedic problem that causes pain when a dog positions himself to defecate
Neurologic disorder
Dehydration due to other illness

Natural Remedies:

Your dog may need an increase in activity levels to be able to resolve this issue. You can also include pumpkin in your dog’s diet to regularise bowel movement. Feeding treats with slippery elm can soothe any discomfort and encourage your dog to pass stools. We also recommend investing in a water fountain to entice your dog to drink more water as increased water consumption can reduce relieve constipation.

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